About the CSSA
CSSA is an incorporated non-profit organization of CT science leaders who work together to achieve the following goals:
To that end, CSSA holds professional development workshops and seminars directed at leadership and supervision in science education, and works with CSTA to co-sponsor an annual science educators conference. This work includes the following:
- Improve communications among science supervisors, teachers, administrators, and boards of education.
- Promote and conduct professional development activities for science leaders.
- Cooperate with other professional organizations for the improvement of science education.
- Serve as a public advocate for science education in Connecticut.
- Act as a consultant and resource to state and local agencies on science issues.
- Represent the membership on state and national issues in science education.
- Examine and evaluate curricula in science.
- Improve academic standards.
- Review, update and disseminate health and safety standards and procedures in science.
- Promote research in science education
To that end, CSSA holds professional development workshops and seminars directed at leadership and supervision in science education, and works with CSTA to co-sponsor an annual science educators conference. This work includes the following:
- CSSA holds four planning meetings by its Board of Directors during which policies are set and activities planned. Planning included ways to provide a flow of information to science teachers in the State, as well as strategies to further science education and provide teachers with support for excellent programs.
- Recruiting members. A greater membership base provides a means of distributing information to all schools.
- Published and bound a booklet on Safety in the Science Classroom which was distributed to every member and to every School Superintendent in the State of Connecticut. Safety in every science classroom with knowledgeable teachers is of key importance to every learner.
- Helped plan and implement the State wide Science Educator's Conference, which it co-sponsored with the Connecticut Science Teachers Association. Teachers are presented with new ideas and information from vendors and from colleagues so they may keep abreast of new developments in education.
- Published an informational newsletter sent to each member at least four times per year. The flow of information among educators is of key importance in maintaining quality education
- Added financial support and support by attendance to the science education community through support of such activities as the Connecticut Science Fair, and the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. Support of science education is our reason for existence.
- Served on a variety of groups of science, mathematics, and technology educators. Communication among the various stakeholders is a necessity to maintain quality education.
- Provided letters of support to various science initiatives, both within the State and Nationally, such as the National Science Teachers' Association "Science Matters, Building a Presence in Science". Communication is again the key, not only on the State and local level, but on the national level.