NGSS Assessment Professional Development Workshop
March 9 and 10 has filled. Email John Duffy at [email protected] to get on a waiting list.
A two-day workshop on the development and evaluation of high quality NGSS assessment tasks will be held at the CSDE office at 450 Columbus Boulevard in Hartford on March 9th and 10th from 8:30am to 4:00pm. The cost for this two-day workshop is $130 and includes coffee, pastries and lunch. There will also be a separate $12 cost for parking in the Morgan Street garage.
We are excited to offer you this opportunity as part of our efforts to bring low cost, high quality NGSS professional development to CT educators. In order to make this happen we needed to pull everything together in short order. The registration deadline is March 4th. To make the workshop effective for all there is a limit of 40 participants. A full description of the two-day workshop is below:
In this two-day professional learning session, participants will co-develop criteria for high-quality science assessment tasks for use in the classroom, using Achieve’s EQuIP Task Screener for Science as a backbone. They will use these criteria documents to examine specific science assessment tasks to (1) better understand the features of high-quality classroom assessments, building capacity to select and implement quality three-dimensional classroom tasks; (2) understand how to modify and use three-dimensional tasks to support student learning in their own classroom contexts; and (3) have the opportunity to work with this learning community to modify one of their own assessments to better signal and elicit three dimensional performance. Participants are asked to bring a device (e.g., laptop) as well as a locally-developed NGSS assessment task they may like to work on revising with the group (optional).
The workshop will be led by nationally-recognized NGSS assessment expert, Aneesha Badrinarayan, from the Learning Policy Institute. Aneesha previously coordinated Achieve’s Task Annotation Project in Science (TAPS), which evaluated the quality of NGSS assessment tasks from around the country. We are excited to have Aneesha share her expertise with CT educators.
Click here to register using a credit card
Please email John Duffy at [email protected] for instructions on how to register by check or purchase order.
March 9 and 10 has filled. Email John Duffy at [email protected] to get on a waiting list.
A two-day workshop on the development and evaluation of high quality NGSS assessment tasks will be held at the CSDE office at 450 Columbus Boulevard in Hartford on March 9th and 10th from 8:30am to 4:00pm. The cost for this two-day workshop is $130 and includes coffee, pastries and lunch. There will also be a separate $12 cost for parking in the Morgan Street garage.
We are excited to offer you this opportunity as part of our efforts to bring low cost, high quality NGSS professional development to CT educators. In order to make this happen we needed to pull everything together in short order. The registration deadline is March 4th. To make the workshop effective for all there is a limit of 40 participants. A full description of the two-day workshop is below:
In this two-day professional learning session, participants will co-develop criteria for high-quality science assessment tasks for use in the classroom, using Achieve’s EQuIP Task Screener for Science as a backbone. They will use these criteria documents to examine specific science assessment tasks to (1) better understand the features of high-quality classroom assessments, building capacity to select and implement quality three-dimensional classroom tasks; (2) understand how to modify and use three-dimensional tasks to support student learning in their own classroom contexts; and (3) have the opportunity to work with this learning community to modify one of their own assessments to better signal and elicit three dimensional performance. Participants are asked to bring a device (e.g., laptop) as well as a locally-developed NGSS assessment task they may like to work on revising with the group (optional).
The workshop will be led by nationally-recognized NGSS assessment expert, Aneesha Badrinarayan, from the Learning Policy Institute. Aneesha previously coordinated Achieve’s Task Annotation Project in Science (TAPS), which evaluated the quality of NGSS assessment tasks from around the country. We are excited to have Aneesha share her expertise with CT educators.
Click here to register using a credit card
Please email John Duffy at [email protected] for instructions on how to register by check or purchase order.